PPPoE LAC/LNS configuratie

Postcode checker

PPPoE LAC/LNS configuratie

PPPoE LAC/LNS configuratie Cisco

aaa new-model
aaa group server radius SAMPLE-ISP-RADIUS
server-private auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813 key 7 !!NASSECRET!!
ip radius source-interface Loopback0
load-balance method least-outstanding
aaa authentication ppp SAMPLE-ISP-AUTHEN-PPPOE group SAMPLE-ISP-RADIUS
aaa authorization network SAMPLE-ISP-AUTHOR-PPPOE group SAMPLE-ISP-RADIUS
aaa accounting network SAMPLE-ISP-ACCOUNT-PPPOE start-stop group SAMPLE-ISP-RADIUS
aaa session-id common
aaa policy interface-config allow-subinterface
no ip domain lookup
login on-failure log
login on-success log
subscriber templating
multilink bundle-name authenticated
vpdn enable
vpdn search-order domain
vpdn-group PPPoEUsers
vpdn-group tunneltoSAMPLE-ISP
protocol l2tp
virtual-template 100
terminate-from hostname tunneltoSAMPLE-ISP
local name tunneltoSAMPLE-ISP
lcp renegotiation always
username tunneltoSAMPLE-ISP password 7 !!secret!!
interface Loopback0
description CORE: Loopback
ip address
ip ospf 123456 area 0
ipv6 address ………..
interface Virtual-Template100
no ip address
ipv6 enable
ipv6 nd ra lifetime 21600
ipv6 nd ra interval 4 3
ppp authentication chap SAMPLE-ISP-AUTHEN-PPPOE
ppp authorization SAMPLE-ISP-AUTHOR-PPPOE
ppp multilink
ppp multilink links maximum 10
ppp multilink links minimum 1
ppp multilink mrru local 1480

PPPoE LAC/LNS configuratie Mikrotik


For the sake of simplicity lets assume that client is RouterOS router:

/interface pppoe-client add interface=ether1 user=good_worker@mt.lv password=strongpass


On the LNS we need to enable L2TP server and set up method to authenticate the L2TP connection from the LAC.

/interface l2tp-server server
set enabled=yes
/ppp l2tp-secret
add address= secret=tunnelpass

Now the actual user authentication. In this case we will be using local authentication method for the sake of simplicity.

/ip pool
add name=pool0 ranges=
/ppp profile
set default local-address= remote-address=pool0
/ppp secret
add name=good_worker@mt.lv password=strongpass

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PPPoE LAC/LNS configuratie