Our services

Connecting people

Connecting people business wise, that is what we at i4Networks work hard for every day. Simply put, we buy connections at wholesale-level and resell them to our customers confirm there specification. Our service in a way consists of a technique we mastered like no one else has. We make sure your connection does what it supposed to do. This way you can enjoy a solid connection without the need to look after it.

More about connectionsCloud solutions

We focus on your goal

For every bandwidth, price and need we have a fitting product in our portfolio. We happily advice you about solutions that suit you best. What you strive for is what we focus on achieving. At i4Networks your wishes are the most important. In our product advice we are neutral. It doesn’t matter to us what type of connection we sell, it just has to lead to the desired solution and reaching the projected goal.


Proactive and solution-minded

Thanks to years of experience we know exactly where the connectivity needs for our partners ,and their customers, lie. That way we can completely unburden the partner, from the order moment to the service and support after the connection is established. We monitor everything we do. When we see that a connection can be improved, we proactively work on that. Together we look for the most fitting solution. We make sure that the connection we offer is as stable as possible.

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"Connecting people business wise, that’s what we do on a daily basis."