Bandwith as a Service

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Bandwith as a Service

Are you looking for a connection for your customer? We are specialised in bandwith. It doesn’t matter what bandwidth you need, we search for the most fitting and scalable solution which fits into your (customers) budget. The product approach, also called BaaS ( Bandwith as a Service ), is new to a lot of people. It just means that we, while offering our products, don’t focus on the carrier. We focus on the amount of bandwidth that you need as a customer.

Our products

Always the desired bandwidth

At i4Networks all knowledge is inhouse. That’s why you as customer don’t need the exact knowledge about:

  • xDSL ( ADSL, VDSL, vectored- and bonded VDSL )
  • Consumer fiber ( FTTH )
  • Ethernet through Copper ( EOK )
  • Business Fiber

This means that you tell us what your wishes are, and we will assure you get the best fitting solution. We will research everything for you, making sure you get the desired bandwidth with a certain level of service.

BaaS possibilities

Within BaaS there are three possibilies:

  • Private Ethernet / IP-VPN
  • Internet Access
  • Backbone / P2P

The goal of i4Networks is to provide BaaS on as many networks as possible. A grasp at the current possibilities are ADSL, aswel ISDN as POTS, VDSL, SDSL, Ethernet over Copper, Business fiber and many more.

Buying at wholesale level

We are provider independant, we are in business with all major companies. We purchase connections at a wholesale level, but we can also connect to local initiatives. We do this in the Netherlands, but also in Europe and even world wide. We purchase connections at the highest level at major companies like KPN Wholesale, Tele2 Wholesale, Ziggo Wholesale, Eurofiber, Relined, Unet, Trent, NDIX and many local initiatives. Even a beam connection/ radio connection is one of the possibilities, for temporary solutions as well as permanent solutions. In short, whatever your wish is, we can deliver. And in the small case we can’t, we will try to find the specific solution.

An incredible transparent and flexible network

At i4Networks we maintain our own core network. Our network is connected to varied strategic points with our wholesale partners. With over 50 international connections ( Points of presence ) we can easily create a transparant network. This way we maintain a transparant, flexible and wide platform. Thanks to our core network and expertise on this matter we can offer a wide variety of broadband connections.

Endless combinations

We developed our own network which we use to connect to our suppliers and customers with different combinations. This is especially good news for customers who own different locations in different places. If you have a location in eg. Boxmeer, where Ziggo is dominantly represented, you place a Ziggo Business Fiber. At the other location in eg. Haarlem, where Tele2 is represented you place <whatever>. If you also have a location in Groningen, at which KPN Wholesale can supply you place <whatever> . Even though your locations all have different suppliers we at i4Networks can create one big network. We supply a stable company network which can communicate with all the different suppliers without any hiccups.

"It doesn’t matter which bandwith you need, we look for the best fitting, scalable solution within your budget