Case Eshgro cloud services

Postcode checker

Integrated cloud work environments

Eshgro is a Cloud Service Broker who makes IT partners able to sell and maintain cloud business solutions to their customers. We help businesses use integrated cloud work environments and IT Partners to better service their customers.

Constant service and high product quality

In our business a stable internet connection is the decisive factor. A lot of businesses aren’t thinking about this enough. Although connectivity is not our core business, a lot of organisations ask for advice. By working closely with i4Networks we are able to optimally  facilitate our partners.

Our collaboration with i4Networks goes back many years. In those years  the classic customer-supplier relation grew to be a partnership. Constant service and high product quality play a big part in this.

"By working with i4Networks we are able to facilitate our partners optimally."

Guido Wouters, Eshgro